FFD 136th Anniversary Awards Banquet
March 15, 2014 Events
The Frostburg Fire Department No. 1 recently celebrated their 136th anniversary with an annual awards banquet held at the Mt. Savage VFD banquet hall on March 15th. The event was emcee’d by FFD Vice President, Ron Dugan.
The top award for the 2013 Firefighter of the Year was presented to Assistant Fire Chief, M. Dale Bladen and Firefighter J. Matthew McMorran II. The award is decided by a committee that consists of the previous 3 years recipients.
Other awards included the Fire Chief’s Award, which was given to Lieutenant Joe Hoffman and the President’s Award recipient was Harry Foor. A 50 year “Length of Service” plaque was accepted for William “Chick” Hawkins. Rounding out the awards were Top Responders, Rich Atkinson and runner up Bill Price.
Shown left to right are: Bill Price (2011); Jay Hovatter (2010); McMorran; Bladen; Gary Tummino (2012) and Rich Atkinson (2012)
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