On this day in Frostburg/FFD History
January 8, 2015
A reprint from the Mining Journal – Saturday, January 7, 1893
A portion of Mrs. Amanda Folk’s house, Maple street, was burned Wednesday night about 11½ o’clock owing to the distance from the fire department’s headquarters some delay in sounding the alarm was occasioned. Meanwhile the fir gained headway. It was a bad, cold night, but the laddies got there in force with all their apparatus.
The first blast from the nozzle showed that the new water system was master of the situation and soon the fire was completely extinguished. The fire almost instantly collapsed when the strong head of the new water system fell upon it. The hydrant is one of the new ones too, and located just right. The firemen say that “the pressure knocks an ordinary blaze crazy in less time than it takes to tell it.”
A portion of the building was saved and those adjoining. The loss, exclusive of some damage to household goods, was not over $400.
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