FFD Annual Mail Out Campain
December 16, 2015
With all of the fraudulent scam artists working our neighborhoods this time of year, we wanted to confirm that the FFD NEVER goes door to door seeking donations. We only conduct our annual mail out campaign, which starts this week. Residents of Frostburg and surrounding areas will be receiving a flyer, donation form and a return envelope. To those able to make a tax-deductible donation, we appreciate your support. For those who can’t make a donation we understand and ask that you please keep our crews in your prayers.
If you don’t receive a mail out packet but would like to donate, please make checks payable to:
Frostburg Fire Department
P.O. Box 461
Frostburg, MD 21532A $50 donation is only 14 cents a day for 24/7 protection of life, property and the environment.
If you do have anyone at your door representing the FFD, do not engage. Notify law enforcement immediately.
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