On This Day in Frostburg/FFD History
December 17, 2015 Events
A reprint from the Cumberland Evening Times – Page 2, Monday, December 17, 1917
One hundred and twenty-five citizens met at the Gladstone Hotel yesterday for the purpose of discussing the shortage of fire hose, scarcity of fire plugs and the failure of water pressure. R.A Walter presided. It developed that the town has only 450 feet of first class hose and 500 feet in fairly good condition but liable to burst at any time, while the remainder was reported absolutely worthless. Thirty more fire plugs were suggested.
Several addressed the meeting on the condition of the pressure at the fire Friday and rumors were said to be afloat that some one had shut off the supply of water. This, Conrad Knerium, the water superintendent, states, is untrue as he found the valves had not been touched and could not account for the report. Some firemen declared there was a falling off of pressure from 5:30 a.m. until 8 a.m. and that during this time hydrants on Federal Hill were running so slow that it took a long time to fill a bucket of water and this showed the main line was not receiving the contents of the reservoir.
No one is able to correctly show the cause. Some firemen think it was the fault of poor hose, others spoke of fire plugs frozen and some referred to the Shearer fire on East Main street when the temperature was equally as low and the five streams were used and there was no trouble with hose bursting or with the pressure.
A committee was appointed to draw up resolutions to be presented at the next council meeting thanking the Cumberland Department for its work, which undoubtedly saved the town many thousands of dollars additional loss, and the Midland and Lonaconing for valuable aid and last of all to thank the Frostburg Fire Department which was on the scene from the start and bravely fought, regardless of the discouraging conditions.
Mayor Samuel R. Tiddy has called a special meeting of the town council this evening at 7 o’clock and this body will listen to the appeals of the volunteer firemen. The council, which recently appropriated $1,000 toward the new fire truck, will take up all questions regarding present troubles.The Lyric Theatre is completely repaired and the windows on the left side are now closed in with brick, making an improvement for matinees. The J.L. Tempest Dramatic Company including special vaudeville features, arrived last evening and is billed for the entire week.
The Sullivan Brothers Coal Company is occupying rooms in the Gladstone Hotel.
On account of the increasing demand for office rooms the past twelve months and the present serious need some coal companies and other business houses are suggesting a site on the vacant lot at the corner of East Main and Uhl streets for an office building.
As the origin of Friday’s fire in the Shea building is not definitely known, J.W. Shea disputes the report of an overheated furnace. This could hardly have been the cause as the entire place was protected from the rest of the building with a steel casing, making it fire proof.
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