Scheduled Street Closure for Training
July 25, 2019 Events
The Frostburg Fire Department (FFD), in an effort to continue to train and improve our skills to better protect life & property, will be conducting live training to simulate day/night conditions at 158-160 and 162 Maple Street, this Sunday, July 28th, from 10:00am to 5:00pm & Tuesday, July 30th from 5:00 to 10:00pm.
A huge THANK YOU to Darren Howell, CEO of Creative Property Management, who owns the properties and is allowing us to train in them until the buildings are torn down at the end of August.
Maple Street between College Avenue & Charles Street will be closed to traffic and we are requesting that you refrain from parking in that area to leave room for fire apparatus to operate unimpeded. We will be closing the sidewalks as well.
A reminder to never drive over any fire hose.
The FFD will be operating environmentally–safe smoke machines but will NOT be setting the structures on fire. We will also be operating numerous power tools (chain saws, etc.) to practice ventilation techniques.
We will be conducting several additional training sessions at this location in August and will notify all residents when those dates are determined. We appreciate your cooperation.
Please direct any questions/
concerns to frostburgfd@frostburgfd.com
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